Saturday, June 20, 2009

The dress rehearsal

The Princess had a very busy day. First there was the Father's day program at school then off to the dress rehearsal.

Dad tells me the princess recited a poem she had composed for him in front of the class. "Dad, I love you. Happy Father's Day. You are a boy." This was not part of the program,some good old kindergarten improvisation.

The students were allowed to wear hats yesterday as part of a "Hats On Day" fundraiser. The princess had a great straw hat,she placed it on her father's head, teacher took a picture. I need a copy of that. For more infomation about "Hats On Day" visit

Here's the only video I was able to capture. The recital has a No Flash Photography or Video Policy. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Wild thing? I got your wild thing right here!

    Looks like Prishie was still gettin' used to the day.
