Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Banana Bread and Taco Tuesday

Day two, high school homeschooling, quarantine edition. Tuesday's curriculum included consumer science and applied mathematics aka Ms. P made banana bread after she complete the school assignments.I've never eaten banana bread.

I made tacos for dinner, grabbed the chili seasoning mistakenly, scorched the tortillas. Hottest tacos I've ever eaten. Good thing I only used 2tbsp instead of 3tbsp in the taco meat. Sour cream and shredded cheese to tame the flame for me.

 Grade for the day Ms. P's Banana Bread 100%. Mom's Taco's epic fail. #standbyyourpan #shouldhavewornmyglasses. Stay well, got to go wash my hands.

Monday, March 23, 2020

FDOS Homeschooling 2020

Back to the new grind, homeschooling 2020. There is a photograph of  Ms. P.; now a HS Jr. I greeted her when she finished this afternoon in the same manner I do every day. How was your day? What did you do today? etc.  Ms. P. learned long ago that I expect a detailed response, not the often used "nothing".  Missing is the daily installment of HS drama. Breakups, makeups & coverups. When asked if she would return tomorrow, she replied we'll see. LOL

There were times Ms. P asked to be homeschooled, last Thursday before it officially started she told me she'd been home long enough and was ready to return to school. Be careful what you ask for, right? Stay healthy at home and wash your hands.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

High School Home School. 2020

I haven’t posted in quite some time. Life with a high schooler is busy. As with many of you, the schools are closed until April 1st at the earliest. Ms P is in the 3Q Jr year. Instead of visiting colleges we’re  practicing social distancing the best we can.
Ms P spent the better part of last week creating a video project fir American History class. All well knowing the teacher wasn’t expecting it anytime soon. Tomorrow the distance learning officially commenced. It’s like the first day of school all over again. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.Stat we’ll.