Friday, October 1, 2010

Eloise the lavatory

Received a call from the princess teacher a few days ago. Seems she has discovered that lavatories have fabulous acoustics. She likes to sing and can out scream Jamie Lee Curtis. The speech teacher went in to see what all the racket was about and got to have a live performance of the princess,unplugged. At the conclusion, she was personally escorted back to class where upon the there was much dicussion regarding her perfomance and how it was a to be a "once and only". I found it hard to keep my composure during the phone call that followed shortly thereafter.

I investigated the scene myself the next day at parents night.The speech pathologists room is closest to the girls lav,the princess classroom is the furthest. I told her teacher the first time we spoke,she's your Eloise,good luck. Oh second grade is going to be so much funner.

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