Monday, December 7, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

OK, here we go. I have discovered three of these ferry signs in Suffolk County,all are wrong. Reply here and tell me what is wrong with it and if you're right you'll be entered to win a $25 Chili's gift card. Contest ends 12/23/09. The location of this one is clearly identified in the picture. If have you seen the others, post locations you've seen them. Pass this along to all your friends,


  1. One signs saids one way but all other signs are pointing to turn up the one way street going the wrong way.
    I am guessing here I did look at the picture real good.

  2. There are NO ferries that leave off the south shore of long island that take cars!!!

  3. you can't go on the ferry by car

  4. I am late, but ferries to Fire Island do not take cars. And there are no FINS ferry and a separate Fire Island ferry. If there was a FINS ferry - it would probably cost a lot more then the regular ferry because it's the government. =)
