Friday, May 28, 2010

Nike Jones Beach Sneakers

Read a story in the local paper about these shoes. Pretty neat idea. There's just on thing that bothers me. The image of Long Island on the sole. To me the western most part of the island should be at the toe and the forks at the heel however it's reversed. You be the judge. Post a response.

Happy Memorial Day

Hope everyone has a safe and fabulous weekend.

Keeping close to home ourselves. The princess has been so busy with dance and skating. The competition was fantastic,video is on youtube; she's now preparing for the next one.

The recital is in three weeks go to find the *&%$ earrings. LOL I can't go to the studio director and tell her we misplaced another pair. I've replaced accessories on more than one occasion so I must be diligent in my quest to rediscover them.

Have fun and keep reading!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hey,It's the Princess and Mr Met

Attended GKR's Pitch In for a Good Cause Mother's Day event today. Everything was terrific,Lynn Cohen outdid herself organizing the event. If only the Mets had won it would have been perfect.

We entered citifield at the opposite end of the park and walked the entire suite level. The princess asked if we were in a hotel. Citifield is a spiffy place,get there if you can. For more information about upcoming GKR events follow the link on our page.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

To all the faithful followers make it a great day. We're spending the day at a GKR event. details later...

The past week has been busy. Homework, skating,party,dancing,more skating, more homework,another party.

Competition is next weekend. Scouted out the rink last weekend. Never been there before. There was a family having a birthday party. The princess was asked to join them for pizza and cake. Hope she doesn't think that will happen again

Some new bath time alter egos the princess has invented soaparella and princess soapia.

Hoping to stay up long enough for Betty White on SNL tonight.

One day I'll figure out how to update this from my iphone LOL.